Hand Surgery

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Hand Surgery

The human hand is a marvel of evolution. Its complex anatomy allows the hand to perform a vast range of movements, from the simple task of picking up a pencil to the complexities of playing a piano sonata. If your hand is injured or disabled, in any way, it needs to be examined by a hand surgeon. Dr Nilesh G Satbhai is an experienced hand surgeon in Mumbai, who can provide you with the care and treatment you need to improve the function of your hand.

About Hand Problems 

The hand has a very complex anatomy and funtion. Hand injuries can be disabling or serious, and they should be treated by an expert who is experienced in hand surgery.

Many potential problems can occur due to injury, disease, or birth defects. Carpal tunnel syndrome, finger tip. injuries, compression neuropathies, nerve injuries, tendon injuries, stiffness, contractures, arthritis, amputation of one or more fingers or thumb are some of the common hand problems.

What is Hand Surgery?

Hand surgery is a branch of surgery that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of hand disorders. Hand surgeons are specially trained in the anatomy and function of the hand, and they use this knowledge to treat hand disorders. Hand surgery can be performed to correct hand deformities, restore function of the hand, and relieve pain. Hand Surgery plays a crucial role in restoring the quality of life and increasing productivity, thus contributing immensely to nation building.

Who is the right candidate for Hand Surgery?

Dr Nilesh Satbhai is very particular for choosing the right candidate for hand surgery:

  • You have a hand problem that has reduced function and/or appearance.
  • When the shape of the hand is altered by trauma, scars, contractures or rheumatoid diseases, making it less useful.
  • You have birth deformities that limit your hand function.
  • Your hand has a serious infection that has made using your hand difficult as well as altering its look.
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What to expect during a Hand Surgery consultation?

At the consultation for hand surgery, Dr Nilesh Satbhai will inspect your hands and inquire about your medical history. Photographs will be taken before and after hand surgery to document your condition and the results of the surgery. Dr. Satbhai will discuss your objectives and expectations and recommend a course of treatment and the possible outcomes.

This is your chance to learn more about hand surgery and ask any queries you may have.

What is the procedure for Hand Surgery?

Hand surgery often necessitates reconstructive and microsurgical procedures. Reconstructive hand surgery is used to restore functional hand defects caused by trauma, disease, or birth abnormalities. Microsurgery is a method of surgery that uses a microscope to mend delicate tissues such as nerves and blood vessels.

Following are different procedures of hand surgery:

  • Skin Grafts: In this procedure, skin is taken from another part of the body and transplanted to the hand. This is often done to treat wounds and raw areas.

  • Skin Flaps: This is a procedure in which skin and underlying tissue are moved from one part of the hand to another. Flaps are often utilized when there is a deeper skin and soft tissue loss, or when critical underlying structures are exposed, such as bone, tendon, nerve or blood vessel. 

  • Open Fracture Reduction And Fixation: This is a surgery that is used to repair an open fracture (a break in the bone that goes through the skin). It aims to clean the wound, set the bone, and then stabilize the bone with plates, screws, or wires.

  • Closed Reduction And Fixation: This procedure is used to repair a closed fracture (a bone break that does not extend through the skin). The procedure aims to reduce the fracture and then stabilize it with plates, screws, or wires.

  • Tendon Repair: Tendons are fibrous tissues that connect muscle to bone. Tendon repairs are still a surgical challenge because of their structure. Tendon injuries can be caused by trauma, infection, or spontaneous rupture.

Tendon repair can be divided into three categories: primary, delayed primary, and secondary. Primary repair involves direct surgical correction of the injury which is generally carried out within 24 hours of the injury. A delayed primary repair is done a few days after the injury while there is still an open wound. Secondary repairs can take two to five weeks or longer post-injury, and they may utilize tendon grafting, in which tendons from other regions of the body are used to mend the damaged tendon.

  • Nerve Repair: The ulnar nerve, median nerve, and radial nerve are the three major nerves in the hand. Damage to these nerves from an accident might result in an inability to move or numbness in the hand. Some injuries to the nerve mend on their own, while others necessitate surgical treatment.

For the best outcomes, you’ll need to have nerve repairs completed soon after the injury. Before more injuries can complicate the problem, repairs to damaged nerves should be made as soon as possible.

In the case of a severed nerve, it is reconnected to the other side of the nerve. A nerve graft may be required, which is the process of transplanting nerves from other areas of the body into the damaged one. Following this, the damaged region is entirely restored.

  • Surgical Drainage or Debridement: Surgical drainage is used to aid in the healing process as well as prevent infection by draining pus or other fluids from the wound. Debridement is the technique of removing dead or damaged tissue from a wound. It’s typically used in conjunction with other treatments, such as antibiotics and dressings.

  • Joint Replacement: Joint replacement surgery (also known as arthroplasty) can help patients with severe arthritis in their hands. This procedure involves removing and replacing the damaged cartilage and bone with a prosthesis joint. The goal of this procedure is to alleviate pain, restore function, and increase a patient’s quality of life.

  • Replantation/Revascularization: Replantation is a microsurgical procedure that reattaches a severed body part (such as a hand, finger, arm, or toe). This procedure can be incredibly complex and requires the use of an operating microscope. Revascularization is the process of restoring blood flow to a body part. It is often used in conjunction with replantation. This sort of surgery is often done in the event of an emergency.

How is the recovery after Hand Surgery?

Hand surgery is extremely safe when planned apppropriately. The outcomes of a thoroughly planned and safely executed surgery can be very gratifying and life changing at times.

The hand is often immobilized using a bandage or splint after surgery. The duration of the immobility will be determined by Dr Satbhai, depending on the surgery. You may also need to restrict some activities.

Here are some pointers to help you make a quick and successful recovery:

  • Take your medications as advised by the doctor.
  • Get regular physical therapy to gain more mobility.
  • At all times, keep your dressings in place and dry.
  • Keep your arm elevated for 3-5 days after the operation (if the swelling and discomfort persist, keep them raised).

Complete Recovery After Hand Reconstructive Surgery

Shrimahant Harishanadgiri Maharaj from Trimbak, Nashik, talks about successful hand reconstructive surgery completed by Dr. Nilesh Satbhai.


What are the benefits of Hand Surgery?

Hand surgery may provide a wide range of advantages, including enhanced function, and mobility, as well as pain alleviation. Patients may also notice improvements in the look of their hands, depending on the procedure type.

What is the cost of Hand Surgery in Mumbai?

The cost of hand surgery in Mumbai will depend on several factors such as the type of hand surgery, the severity of the condition, etc. During your consultation, Dr Nilesh Satbhai will guide you with a thorough cost estimate for your hand surgery.

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What are the potential complications of Hand Surgery?

Hand surgery is typically safe, but there are always some complications involved with any form of treatment. The most common risks of hand surgery include bleeding, infection, transient nerve damage, stiffness, and need of additional procedures. These are generally minor, but if they occur, Dr Nilesh will manage them effectively.

Hand Surgery

Reverse Hand Damage With Hand Surgery In Mumbai

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Meet the Doctor


Dr. Nilesh Satbhai
Dr. Nilesh Satbhai is a highly experienced and skillful plastic surgeon who has dedicated his career to helping patients feel at ease with their bodies. He completed his Plastic Surgery training at the prestigious Seth G. S. Medical College and K.E.M Hospital in Mumbai, after which he went on to earn his fellowship in various subfields of plastic and reconstructive surgery. Dr. Nilesh is a caring professional who takes the time to get to know his patients and understand their individual needs and goals. He is committed to providing the highest quality care possible and strives to make every patient feel comfortable and confident in their decision to undergo treatment. If you are considering plastic or reconstructive surgery, Dr. Nilesh Satbhai is a trusted surgeon who can provide you with the results you desire.
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